sacred yoni + sacral steam

sacred yoni + sacral steam


Cleanse + purify your sacred yoni! This is a sacred act of self-care and has many benefits to your physical vessel alongside the emotional and psychological body… bringing forth healing energies to your creation portal

Synergy between these herbs is intended to:

  1. Cleanse your yoni with herbal support

  2. Maximize tonification to your uterine walls!

  3. Balance / Boost libido

  4. Provide a meditative space to unwind

  5. Create unification between your mind and intimate areas

Net weight 1 oz.

PLEASE NOTE: Do not use if pregnant.


All ingredients are Organic + Responsibly Sourced:

Passionflower {Passiflora incarnata}, Nettle leaf {Urtica dioica}, Yarrow {Achillea millefolium}, Motherwor {Leonurus cardiaca}, Mugwort {Artemesia vulgaris}, Blue Lotus, {Nymphaea caerulea}, Rose Buds {Rosa × damascena}, Queen Anne’s Lace {Daucus carota}, Raspberry Leaf {Rubus idaeus}


The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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